
Category: Health and Wellness

Tips to Reduce Stress

Stress is a common affliction for many Americans, and it can be caused by many different factors in life.  Traffic, work, and family issues can

Why Are Supplements Important?

Supplements are things like pills and powders that contain nutrients such as vitamins and minerals that are intended to supplement a person’s normal intake through

The Health Benefits of Oranges

Florida is known for its oranges. In fact, the state flower of Florida is the orange blossom. Florida’s oranges are shipped all over the country

How to Improve Your Bone Health

Your bones are the structural support system for your body, and having healthy bones is important to overall health. As people get older, their bones

Are Eggs Good or Bad?

When it comes to eating healthy, there is a lot of debate around eggs—first they’re good for us, then they’re bad for us, then good

Some Health Effects of Carrying Extra Weight

Carrying extra weight has become very common in the United States. Putting aside social issues such as body image and healthy self-esteem, extra weight can

Tips to Start Running

Running is an easy workout, requiring no specialized equipment and minimal startup effort or cost. Running is also a really good way to improve your

Tips on Getting Better Sleep

Getting good sleep is an important component of overall health. Being tired and sleepy all day can make you lethargic and lower your willpower to