
Author: Dr. Raymond Kordonowy

What Should Replace the Affordable Care Act?

In my prior piece, I explained that health insurance plans and government programs shield patients from the true cost of services provided, leading to expensive

Milk Thistle Extract for Liver Disease

Milk thistle extract (silymarin) was studied for potential benefit in refractory hepatitis C.  This study found that this supplement for this situation was no different

Regulating Dietary Supplements: The DMAA Debate

Last week, the Archives of Internal Medicine published a commentary advocating more government regulation of dietary supplements.  Dietary supplements refer to non-vitamin, non-mineral products such

Medicare For All?

This is the sign in the upper photo of the Wall Street Journal’s front page July 29th 2012. This appears to be the sentiment of

Doctors are going out of business

As it turns out, I’m not the only physician struggling to stay afloat in this severely mismanaged healthcare system.  This recent survey shows that 26%