Gaining Weight for Hard Gainers: Tips and Tricks

Society today places great emphasis on being thin, and while people who are overweight are often criticized, there are those who struggle with gaining weight. These are known as hard gainers, and it can be frustrating to feel like no matter how much they eat, they just can’t seem to put on weight. However, at Internal Medicine, lipid, and Wellness of Fort Myers, we believe everyone deserves to feel comfortable in their skin. This is why we want to offer our support to hard gainers who are on a journey to achieve a healthy weight. In this blog, we will provide tips and tricks that can help hard gainers gain weight and achieve a healthy body mass index (BMI).


  1. Eat More Calories

The first step to gaining weight is to consume more calories than you burn. Hard gainers need to eat more than the average person, so they can promote weight gain. On average, a person needs to consume about 250 to 500 calories above their dietary needs to gain one pound of weight. However, hard gainers often need to consume up to 1,000 extra calories to achieve the same results. Try to incorporate calorie-dense foods like nuts, dried fruit, and seeds into your diet, along with healthy protein and fats.


  1. Follow a Strength-Training Program

To gain weight effectively, you’ll need to focus on building muscle mass in addition to consuming extra calories. Strength-training exercises such as squats, deadlifts, and bench presses should be included in your routine. Muscle mass is important because it helps to burn calories and increase metabolism, making it easier for hard gainers to achieve their desired weight.


  1. Consume More Protein

Protein is an essential nutrient that plays a crucial role in muscle development and repair. Hard gainers should aim to consume around 1.5 grams of protein per pound of body weight every day. This can be accomplished through the consumption of sources such as eggs, fish, chicken, and lean meats. Supplementing your diet with protein shakes or bars is also a convenient way to meet your daily protein needs.


  1. Don’t Skip Meals

It’s important not to skip meals when you’re trying to gain weight. Skipping meals can disrupt your body’s calorie intake and make it more difficult to reach your weight gain goals. Try to eat regular meals and snacks throughout the day, even if you’re not that hungry.


  1. Get Adequate Rest

Lastly, getting adequate rest is crucial to promote overall health and well-being. Rest is also an essential component of muscle recovery and growth. Make sure to get 7 to 8 hours of sleep every night and give your body time to recover between workouts.


  1. Get Blood Work Done

Making sure you do not have thyroid or adrenal issues is key. Something medical could be holding you back and throwing your metabolism into a tailspin. These issues can be corrected and managed with medication and dietary changes.


The Takeaway

Hard gainers face unique challenges when it comes to gaining weight, but it’s not impossible. With a proper diet and a focused strength-training program, hard gainers can achieve their weight gain goals. Incorporating calorie-dense foods, increasing protein intake, and consuming regular meals throughout the day can help hard gainers reach their desired weight.

Remember, it’s always best to consult with a medical professional before making any significant changes to your diet or exercise routine. At Internal Medicine, lipid, and wellness of Fort Myers, we’re here to support you on your journey to a healthier life.

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